Alias: an excellence in contemporary Italian design
In a design landscape steeped in history and tradition, Alias stands as a beacon of innovation and creativity. Founded way back in 1979, the Italian company has been able to gain a prestigious position in the world of international design thanks to its ability to combine aesthetics, functionality and innovation in every creation. The Alias brand stands out for its philosophy oriented towards lightness, versatility and and functionality of its furniture, which embody the elegance and essence of contemporary design.
Collaborations with world-famous designers
One of the distinctive features of Alias is his collaboration with some of the most renowned designers worldwide. Philippe Starck, Jasper Morrison and Patricia Urquiola are just some of the creative talents who have contributed to shaping the Alias catalogue, leaving an indelible mark on the world of design. Thanks to these partnerships, Alias has created a vast range of products, from chairs to tables, from the most sophisticated furnishing systems to furnishing accessories, each bringing timeless elegance and impeccable functionality. Each piece, the result of collaboration between the company and the designers, brings with it an aura of innovation and originality which makes it unique in its kind, testifying to the continuous search for innovative solutions in the field of design.
The iconic legacy of Alias
In the vast panorama of contemporary design, Alias can boast a series of iconic models that have made the history of the sector. Among these, the "Spaghetti" chair by Giandomenico Belotti stands out, characterized by an intriguing pattern of intertwined elastic cables, and the tables of the "Frame" line by Alberto Meda, with its light and minimal structure that defies gravity. These creations, together with other equally famous ones, are testimony to the ability of Alias to anticipate trends and redefine aesthetic standards in the world of furniture. Thanks to the Ciat Design catalogue, it is possible to explore the best creations by Alias and bring home a piece of the history of Italian design, thus enriching your environment with the elegance and originality that only Alias can offer.
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