The refined and versatile design of Campeggi
The world of interior design is an art that, when well executed, turns into a lifestyle. In this scenario of elegance and functionality, the Campeggi brand emerges, a signature that carries on a long tradition of excellence in the world of Italian design. Founded in the heart of Milan in 1959 by Renato Campeggi, this brand has deep roots in the culture of Italian design and has made experimentation and innovation its main philosophy. The Campeggi brand has been able to stand out for its ability to to combine aesthetics, practicality and and versatility in each of his creations, becoming a point of reference for those looking for cutting-edge design for the furnishings of their home.
Iconic models and prestigious collaborations
Among the iconic models that have characterized the history of Campeggi, the "Soft" sofa bed and the "Dynamic Life" convertible sofa stand out, examples tangible evidence of how the brand has been able to reinterpret classic furnishing concepts in a modern key. The collaboration with renowned Italian and international designers, such as Alessandro Mendini, Giulio Manzoni and Matali Crasset, has enriched the Campeggi catalog with unique and surprising, which combine Italian craftsmanship with an innovative and cosmopolitan vision. The Ciat Design catalog offers an exclusive overview of the best creations by Campeggi, offering a wide choice to meet the needs of every domestic environment, with a particular focus on sofas and sofa beds.
A constant evolution over time
In over sixty years of history, the Campeggi brand has continued to evolve, always keeping up with the changes in taste and needs of users. The constant search for innovative solutions and attention to detail have allowed Campeggi to gain a prestigious position in the international design panorama. The brand's philosophy is reflected not only in its creations, but also in the high-quality materials used and in its attention to sustainability environmental, thus ensuring not only aesthetically excellent products, but also ethically responsible. Campeggi continues to inspire and fascinate an audience attentive to beauty and functionality, confirming itself as an essential name in the world of luxury interior design.
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